My skill with the sword had improved, and I had managed to find a silver short sword during my adventures, meaning that I could now do battle with the undead, knowing full well that'd be coming up eventually. Blocking skills weren't so good. Hits from other creatures or bandits still caused very bad wounds. The problem was that I couldn't find anyone capable of training me on some of my defensive skills here. |
Deliver the Amulet of Kings to Chorrol, or go my own way? What should I do? I thought for a while. I thought of my home in Ald'Ruhn, Morrowind, my people, just a few days journey to the east. I had enough money to at least live a comfortable life, IF I could make it to Morrowind without a bandit robbing me blind on the way there. I did want to join the Mages Guild, but there were no offices for them here in the Imperial City. Same for the Fighters Guild. My mind wandered to a map of the Imperial Province. Cheydinhal was just a short distance from here, and half-way to Morrowind. Perhaps I could at least join each guild there and see how things go. At the very least, I might pick up some better spells and armor, perhaps some training in both the arts and blocking as well. |
On my way out of the city, I asked a guard for directions to Cheydinhal. He told me how to get there, then added, "By the Nine Divines, stay on the roads." When I asked him why, he simply replied "We've had reports of... Daedra." Odd that the Imperial Forces had not been activated, but rumors, being what they are, I just said I would take his advice and headed on my way. |
Sometimes, its nice to help people. The reward will sometimes exceed the value of gold. |
The Nerevarine had killed one of the Tribunal (Almalexia), another of the Tribunal was dead already (Sotha Sil), and the one Living God (Vivic) had been reportedly killed by some young buck who thought he could soul-trip him into a grand soul gem. Vivic died through a trick of magick from this young warrior, and the young fool died from his own wounds as he had run out of healing potients during the battle with the living god. Vivic's soul was too powerful for the grand soul gem, and it exploded in his face. Such a waste. Now, the land of the dark elves was without direction. Crazy people were wandering about crying about the 'end of all things' and such. Well, Morrowind had survived many trials in the past. The Nerevarine would protect them. "Oh, the Nerevarine?" she asked. "Apparently you haven't heard the news. The Nerevarine has left to explore the strange land of Akavir two years ago, and has not been heard from since." Well, this was not good. Who would protect the people now? |
Coming up: I Know Art When I See It