The Jaws of Oblivion
"If the wind will not serve, take to the oars."
---- Latin Proverb
Thunder, lightning, blood-red sky, foul-smelling clouds of gas billowing up all around me, lava flows everywhere I looked. |
A number of creatures, it seems, that I had encountered in several of my cave-diving days while looking for loot. An Xivilai kept watch towards the towers, unaware that I was looking right at him. |
I had no choice but to join in the battle. These solders were outnumbers in a moment as the spider daedra created little replicas of herself. The Xivilai summoned a daedroth. I summoned a few creatures of my own in an attempt to even the odds. |
What could they do with him? Why not just kill him, like the others? Perhaps it had something to do with keeping the gate open. I tried gaining access across the bridge, but the gate was locked, and seemed to open from inside, so that way was useless. I tried going around to the right side of the bridge, but ended up at a huge flow of lava. I made my way back to my starting point, finding a passage to the left side of the bridge. I encountered a number of strange plants, which I decided to keep for alchemy sessions later. One of the plants actually struck out towards me, scratching me on the face. A healing spell fixed it, but I decided to be a bit more wary in the future. A different plant proved useful for alchemy, but as I was taking some of the leaves, it gave off a poison gas. I staggered back, almost falling unconscious. Another healing spell, and I could breath normally again. Another group of Xivilai were found behind the towers, and again, invisibility helped me gain a position where I could fight them through summoned creatures and shock spells. |
Quietly, I crept up the stairs, touched the door and felt it push away from my hand. Taking another deep breath, I stepped inside. |
I would need some help. |
COMING UP: A Tower of Many Levels