The Sigil Stone
There were two more Xivilai at this level, each summoning their own daedroth. I had to think fast. I summoned a clanfear and a daedroth of my own to counter-attack. However, before I could go invisible, I was hit by one of the Xivilai's swords. The thing ripped into my forearm. I hit back with my own shortsword, paralyzing the Xivilai for just long enough for me to go invisible again. The Xivilai recovered from the spell, looked around for evidence of where I might be hiding. By this time, both of our summoned creature spells had faided. I waited for the Xivilai to search around far enough away from me where I could perform a healing spell. It would break the invisibility spell, but once cast, I could re-cast invisility. It seemed like forever before the creature walked away. Finally I had my opportunity, did a quick healing spell, went invisible again, then ran to another location as the Xivilai returned to attack. They had no luck in determining where I had gone to, but in a few moments, I was far enough away that I could summon several creatures to my aid, and the battle was one once more. |
The roar of the flow of energy going up the tower shaft was deafening. |
It was made out of living flesh! Oh, this would just have to stop! |
I quietly made my way up a set of "flesh stairs", wondering if they felt pain as others stepped upon them. |
I made my way up another flesh-made walkway, summoning four more creatures to defeat the Xivilai that was guarding this section of the tower. |
I gritted my teeth, grabbed it with my left hand and pulled it away from the shaft of energy bombarding it. The power suddenly begain jumping to the top of the tower, no longer having any direction or purpose. Everything began to get blurry. The noise was almost too loud to bear. I closed my eyes and covered my ears, enduring loud claps of thunder and blinding light, when suddenly, I began to feel cold rain on my back and arms. |
COMING UP: Retaking Kvatach