Playing Spy
As I approached, he turned, recognized me, and without a word, motioned me to sit next to him. I did as he instructed. |
I felt a quiver of excitement. I didn't know if it was the implied danger, or just playing spy, but it was exciting, non-the-less. "Listen." he said, after a few bites on a piece of bread. "I'm going to get up in a minute and walk out of here. That guy in the corner will get up and follow me. You follow him." I nodded quietly in acknowledgement, confirming my understanding. |
As he opened the cellar door, I tossed a coin on the table to pay for my drink, got up, and followed this spy into the cellar. As soon as the door closed behind me, I could hear swords being drawn. Instantly, I drew my own and lept down the last four steps to the landing. The spy was threatening Baurus. I shouted a warning to surrender. Instead, he turned to attack! He lunged at me, but I parried his blow with my own sword. He reached up to swing again, but stopped, then fell to the ground, dead at the end of Baurus' sword. |
I checked the body of the now dead spy, finding a few pieces of gold in his pocket, a healing potion, and a strange book. It had the title "Mythic Dawn Commentaries", a book I had never heard of before. |
"Well, maybe just the right time." I replied. "What have you learned?" "Not good news." he said, looking a little worried. "Those assassins who killed the Emperor were part of a daedric cult known as the Mythic Dawn." "Mythic Dawn?" I replied. Same as the title of the book I had found. "Yes." he said. "Apparently they worship the Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon. I've been tracking their agents in the Imperial City. I guess they noticed." "More than noticed." I said. "They have the Amulet." Baurus' look changed from worry to concern. "What?" he exclaimed. "They took it from Jauffre? Things are worse than I had thought." "You may be right." I explained. "They attacked Weynon Priory. Several of the brothers were slaughtered. Jauffre survived." "Well, I'm glad he survived." he replied. "Is there any good news?" "I believe so." I said. "I found Uriel's heir. His name is Martin." "Oh, thank Talos he lives. Martin Septim, you say. Well, we will restore him to the throne! It is the sworn duty of all Blades." "Well, I am glad I was able to give you some good news, at least." I said. "What should our next move be?" Baurus thought for a moment, paging through the book we had found. "You're in the Mages Guild, right?" he asked. "Yes, I've been practicing and getting recommendations to enter the University here in the city." I replied. "Perfect opportunity for you." he said with a wink. "You know, there's a scholar at the Arcane University." he said. "I believe "Tar-Meena's her name. She's supposed to be an expert on daedric cults." He handed the book back to me. "Why don't you take that book to her and see what she makes of it?" "Certainly." I replied. "I have business there anyway, having received all the necessary recommendations needed to enter the university." "Perfect." he replied. "You head on over there. I'll keep running down leads on the Mythic Dawn network. If you learn anything, you can find me at Luthor Broad's. May Talos guide you." |
"Ah," she hissed, "You must be the one I got the messssssage about. How can I help you?" "Can you tell me about the Mythic Dawn?" I asked. Tar-Meena hissed. "You know of them?" she replied. "One of the mossssst sssecretive of all the daedric cultsssss. Not much isssss known about them. They follow the teachings of Mankar Camoran, whom they call the Masssster. A sssshadowy figure in hissss own right." "I found one of their books." I said, showing it to her. |
"I just need to find the Mythic Dawn." I replied, trying not to give too much away. "Find them, eh?" she said. "I won't poke my nose any further. Official business and all that. I'm used to working the with Blades, so don't worry. Ssssay no more. In any cassse, finding them won't be easy." She looked over a few more pages of the book, then continued "I've studied Makar Camoran's writings a bit myself, at least those that I could find. It is clear from the text that Mankar Camoran's 'commentaries' come in four volumes, but I've only ever seen the first two books. I believe that his writings contain hidden clues to the location of the Mythic Dawn's ssssecret shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. Those who unlock his hidden path have proven themselves worthy to join the ranks of the Mythic Dawn cult. Finding the shrines is the first test. If you want to find them, you'll need all four volumes of the 'Commentaries'." |
I got up, put the stone away, deciding to study it again under better circumstances. In the meantime, I decided to get some sleep. Tomorrow I would head over to the First Edition and see if I could locate the other two volumes of this strange set of books. |
COMING UP: Finding the MissingVolumes