Practicing Spells
I decided to test all the spells I had recently purchased and learned. This was as good a place as any, and it was very private up here, with no one to bother me. I practiced summoning a daedroth... |
...A dremora and a dremora lord... |
...A wraith and a gloom wraith... |
...A flame atronach... |
...A frost atronach... |
...A storm atronach... |
...A ghost... |
...A zombie and a headless zombie... |
...A lich... |
...A scamp... |
...The Bones Brothers (consisting of a skeleton, skeleton warrior, skeleton guardian, and a skeleton champion)... |
...A daedra spider... |
...A clanfear... |
I was very proud of myself, learning all these new skills. I felt I was more than prepared for anything that I might come across. Using my invisibility spell, I ran all the way back to the Imperial City, collapsed in my bed at my hotel room and had a really good sleep. Perhaps tomorrow, Tar-Meena might have some good news for me. |
COMING UP: A Secret Location Revealed!