The Knights of Cheydinhal (continued)
There were (and always are) several guardians at the bottom section of the main tower. Rather than risk hitting someone with a spell by accident, I used my spell of Summoned Armor and joined in the battle. It took a healing potion for me and several healing spells for my two Knights to put things right. "Where to next?" asked Farwill. I pointed to the nearby door. "There's two of them." I said. "They both go up. Be careful, since there's always a guardian of some kind around every corner." |
It was as if they really wanted to die a glorious death. Neither one of them realized that I had no desire to drag anyone's body all the way up to the top of this tower, then back to Cheydinhal. |
"Up this way." I said. "You seem to know your way around." suggested Bremman. "You could say I've done this several times before." I suggested in a rather coy manner. "Just follow me." |
"How do we get up into that top-most section, where all this magic energy is going?" he asked. Again, I pointed to the door just down the walkway from where we entered. |
I rushed down the stairs to him, but it was too late. I figured he had falling off the upper level during the fighting. His neck was broken. "There is nothing I can do for him." I told Farwill. "His name will live on forever in song." he replied. "What about that Sigil Stone?" "Back up the stairs." I said. |
"What in the world are we standing on?" he asked. "It feels...odd under my feet." |
Farwill thought for a moment. "This place is horrible. Certainly no place for a woman." he said. "Farwill," I replied, "your friend is dead because you jumped into this place ill-prepared for what you would find here. Five other good men are dead for the same reason. Just between you and me, don't worry about whether or not this place is fit for someone like myself or not. Rather, use your wealth to buy some training. It certainly won't hurt in the long run, and could save your life for the next Gate you have to close when I'm not here to do healing spells on you." |
He apologized for being so arrogant, promising to get more training in swordsmanship and blocking skills. He offered me a membership as one of the Knights of the Thorn. I accepted out of kindness. |
"Oh, I've done this a few times before." I said in reply. "It's pretty old for me now." "Well, you should certainly see the Count." he replied. "I'm sure he'll have a reward of some kind for you for the safe return of his son." |
"I am overjoyed that you saved my son's life." he said. "I realize he's trying at times, and he speaks before he thinks, but he's still my son, and I adore him greatly." |
The Count didn't know how close he came to the truth. "Anyway, I digress." he continued. I'm sure you wish to hear of your reward. I'm in possession of two fine weapons. They're both heirlooms of the Indarys family, held in the castle for several generations. I'd take great pleasure in bestowing one of them upon you." He had one of his servents bring two items from a back room. "Please," he continued, pointing to them, "choose the Thornblade or the Staff of Indarys." I chose the Thornblade. The Count smiled, handing it to me himself. "May it serve you as well as it has my family, especially in this time of crisis." I bowed, taking the blade from him. "Again," he said, "I think you on behalf of all the citizens of Cheydinhal, and I especially thank you as an elated father." "Count Indarys," I stated, "I must ask once again for aid for Bruma. "Yes." he said, interrupting me. "You have earned my trust. I shall send some of my best troops to Bruma." "Thank you, Count Indarys." I said, bowing humbly. Farewell," he replied, "and may Arkay guide you." |
COMING UP: Attack at Skingrad!