Another Oblivion Gate
We had always known it was there - we summon creatures from that plane often (as I had done). It was even rumored that the Emperor himself had been trapped there for a time by Jagar Tharn years earlier until freed by a nameless hero. I had experienced this strange place myself in order to close the gate in front of the city of Kvatch. This same kind of gate was responsible for everything in Ald'Ruhn being laid to waste, including everyone I ever knew. I now had a purpose in life: find the Amulet of Kings and get it back to Martin. I could see that this situation would only get worse until that task was accomplished. And in doing so, I would be avenging the deaths of everyone I ever knew and loved. And I found a new thing in my heart: hatred for the one responsible for it all. I resolved that it would be my mission to see that person or thing dead, either by my hand, or by my design. I gritted my teeth and urged the horse on, faster, slowing only to make tight turns around the twisting trail towards the road that would eventually take me to the Imperial city. |
I summoned a daedroth, then went invisible. The bandit fought with the daedroth, and while distracted, I snuck up behind the bandit and killed him. I was heading back to my horse when suddenly I heard a loud crashing noise behind me. |
Using several summoned creatures, I managed to lure the troll towards me. Then, using my new technique of being unseen, allowed my helpful creatures do all the heavy work. Once the troll was out of the way, I went invisible again and headed towards the gate. |
The air around me grew angry, reflecting my anger and hatred for this thing. It was as if my emotions were being reflected in the sky. |
And I knew how to defeat them. Once again, I stepped into the portal and into the World of Oblivion. |
"Ok, fine." I said to myself. "You want to make it harder to get to that stone? I have all day." I then wondered what passes for "day" here. I tried several different directions to something with a door. Some were blocked by lava while others were blocked by a huge gate. I had no idea how to open them, but I knew there had to be a release somewhere. |
My summoned creatures came in very handy. |
Eventually I found a door at the base of one of the several towers. As I approached it, I heard a loud noise, as of a pully operated by chains was being operated. I saw a tower with a turret on it to my left, the turret spinning very fast. Suddenly, it shot a fireball spell right at me. I jumped back, and the bolt missed me. I ducked behind a huge stone outcropping, but I was still too close to the turret. It kept firing one shot after another directly at me. Only the boulder protected me. |
I waited for the next blast of fireball spell, then made a break for the door. |
I looked around the room for the door leading to the next level, but could find nothing here that would help. I then studied the huge device in front of me. Looking at all the crushed bodies around it, and all the blood on it, this thing was used to mash bodies, extracting the blood for these creatures to use. |
I stepped on the plate, the blood squishing under my boots. Throwing the release on the platform, I found myself rising up to the next level of the tower. |
"I have beaten you again!" I shouted to no one, letting off steam. |
Time had been lost. It was night time, now, and very late. We went at full gallop down the Silver road, then west on the Red Ring road, eventually turning sound until we hit the huge pathway leading to the city itself. There was a stable just outside the city gate. I left my horse there, with specific instructions that the ork working there NOT eat him. My immediate mission as a new member of the Blades was to find Baurus and see if he had learned anything new about the assassins responsible for the Emperor's death. I'd find him at Luther Broad's Boarding House, Elven Gardens district. However, first I'd have to find a room and crash into a bed. The morning would come soon enough. |
COMING UP: Playing Spy!